Fall 2020 Psych B40 16 week course Lifespan Development

Who is my instructor and how can I reach her?

Instructor:                 Christie Howell, Ph.D.       

Office Location:        Zoom

Email:                       Christina.Howell@bakersfieldcollege.edu (best contact)

Google Telephone:   661-750-2254


Office Hours online (Zoom Office Hours):

Mon 2:30-5:00 pm and Wed 2:00-4:30  and by appt

Each week Dr. Howell will participate in a live discussion online with any student who is interested in joining her. All students are encouraged to participate if you have questions about the work or the topics discussed that week. This will be done in the ConferZoom link in Canvas. To make an appointment, log into Starfish, click on Dr. Christie Howell and set up an appointment.



The best way to communicate with me is through email (christina.howell@bakesfieldcollege.edu). Second best is to send me a message through Canvas using the “Inbox” link, which then sends an email. Third choice is to leave me a voicemail on my google phone. I only check my voicemail Mon-Thursday. I will check email and Canvas messages every week day. You should have a 24-48 hour response time from the time you sent the message. It may be 72 hours if you send a message on Friday and I do not review them over the weekend

When does class meet? Where do we meet?

Class Location: Canvas- To find our class meeting place please log into Canvas. Then click on our class link. Next you will click Conferzoom. You will see a listing for the class time and day, click there to join our class.                    

Time and day:  Monday 1-2:30pm (class updates and announcements, questions answered main topics discussed- will be recorded)

Office hours

Office Hours online (Zoom Office Hours):

Mon 2:30-5:00 pm and Wed 2:00-4:30  and by appt

Each week Dr. Howell will participate in a live discussion online with any student who is interested in joining her. All students are encouraged to participate if you have questions about the work or the topics discussed that week. This will be done in the ConferZoom link in Canvas. To make an appointment, log into Starfish, click on Dr. Christie Howell and set up an appointment.

B40 Catalog Description and Student Learning Outcomes

Catalog Description: Provides an overview, from a psychological perspective, of human development from conception through death, including biological and environmental influences. Biopsychosocial development and cognitive and physical changes are examined in light of historical and contemporary research and theory for the growing child, adolescent, and adult.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion the student will be able to:

    • Identify and evaluate the major concepts, theories, empirical findings and historical trends in lifespan psychology.
    • Compare, contrast, and assess the stages of the lifespan from the prenatal stage through late adulthood and describe the significant aspects of biosocial, cognitive and psychosocial development of individuals in each stage.
    • Recognize, interpret, and differentiate issues relevant to lifespan psychology such as child rearing practices, daycare/eldercare, education through the lifespan, heredity and environment, and current social issues.



What do I need for class?

Book information:

  • BUNDLE: Bakersfield College: Kuther, Lifespan Development 2e (Vantage Printed Access Card) + Kuther, Lifespan Development 2e (Loose-leaf)
  • ISBN: 9781544365770 


Technology requirements:

  • A flash drive for saving your work or a way to store online (dropbox or google)
  • A computer in which to access your course book and to submit work
  • The following computer applications or programs in which to view or submit work:


Chrome or Firefox or Safari (not Explorer)


Read the Syllabus!!

Please read the syllabus carefully, it will add to your success as a student. Also look at the course homepage. You will find course tools to assist you with your success in this course.

Class work


There will be 19 quizzes. Each quiz will be worth 10 points. They cannot be taken passed the due date, but they can be completed early. The lowest quiz score will be dropped. Quizzes will be graded within 3 days of the due date.



There will be 19 assignments. Each assignment will be worth 5 points. They cannot be taken passed the due date, but they can be completed early. The lowest assignment score will be dropped. Assignments will be graded within 3 days of the due date.



There are 3 total exams. Each exam is worth about 70 points. You will complete the exams on Canvas. Exams consist of content from your book, quizzes, assignments and videos. In other words: everything covered in class. Tests will be graded within 1 week of the due date.



Discussions will be posted online in the Discussion link. There will also be a link in in the Module we are working through at the time. A prompt will be started by the professor that you will answer. Your initial answer is worth 7 points. You will also need to respond to at least one student who has answered the prompt. That will be worth 3 points.  You are welcome to talk to more of your fellow students, just like in a face to face class.  Each discussion will be graded within a week of the due date. Your initial prompt is due 2 days BEFORE the due date for the discussion. The due date is when your peer response is due.


Literature Review Paper

Students will complete 1 literature review paper on a topic that is covered in this course. You should be able to tell me where in the book the topic is discussed if I ask you to show me. This should be a subject in which you are interested and in which you want to demonstrate knowledge and expertise. You will use current primary research articles to demonstrate your knowledge.  When thinking about your paper, write it as though you are educating a group of parents or adults who are interested in the topic. Only current research articles should be included, so no older than 10 years.

Research papers will be graded within 2 weeks of the due date, with a rubric as well as video feedback from your instructor.

There will also be three smaller assignments leading up to the paper to assist you in writing a college level paper. Those include the following:

  1. Primary article summary- 1 page, followed by a Reference page in APA format (Word doc only)
  2. Second primary article summary- 1 page, followed by a Reference page in APA format (Word doc only)
  3. Submission of completed paper to NetTutor for review. Proof of submission by the deadline.


Course Paper assignment guidelines:

  1. Papers needs to be in APA format, the newest version.
  2. Papers needs to be at 4-5 pages in length (title page and reference do not count) It will start with an introduction which is 1-2 paragraphs and move into the topic discussion. Be sure to end your paper with a summary.
  3. Minimum 2 primary research articles. These are articles that are reporting on research that was conducted (they will have methods and results section).
  4. Minimum 1 secondary source. This can be a website, newsletter, article, book, or pamphlet.
  5. Submit paper online - (late papers will not be accepted)
  6. Paper must be submitted using Word (.doc or .docx).

Grading and Late Work

Late Work

All work is due at the stated time on the course home page in Canvas. Only work that has a documented compelling reason will be accepted late. Work that is emailed without prior consent will be considered late and will not be accepted.



            All quizzes will be graded within 1 week of the due date. All discussions will be graded

within 1 week of the due date. Assignments will be graded within 1 week of the due date. Papers will be graded within 2 weeks of the due date.

Grading Scale

Chapter quizzes (19 @ 10- drop lowest), Syllabus quiz 10



6 discussions (5 @ 10; 1 @5)



Research paper 1 @ 60

2 minor assignments and Net Tutor(3 @ 10)



Tests (3 @ 70)



Chapter Assignments (19@5, drop lowest)



Total points possible for Course




Grading System


A  = 90-100%

D    = 60-69%

B = 80-89%    

F    = 59% and below

C = 70-79%


Student Resources

Students with Disabilities

“Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSPS) has transitioned to an online environment; this means that their staff members are available to assist you virtually or by phone. DSPS is here to provide accommodations to students with diagnosed learning, mental, physical, and/or health related disabilities. Students with disabilities needing accommodations, including those who had an IEP or 504 Plan in high school, should make requests to the DSPS office via phone, email, or by visiting their Virtual Lobby. All requests for accommodations require appropriate advance notice to avoid a delay in services. After completing the intake process with DSPS, please provide your professors with a copy of your DSPS approved accommodation checklist so that you can work together to ensure your access and success at BC.

DSPS methods of contact:

·         Phone: Main Campus: (661-395-4334) Delano: (661-720- 2000)

·         Email: dspsdesk@bakersfieldcollege.edu

·         Virtual Lobby: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/5023985567 “



Accessibility statement

Bakersfield College recognizes the importance and benefits of using technology to enhance student learning, especially as it helps students, faculty and staff communicate more effectively. Every effort will be made to ensure that the design of instructional material and activities for ALL classes taught at Bakersfield College, both face-to-face and at a distance, are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities.


How to be successful


This is a great website that has many resources to assist you in being successful in college.  This can also be downloaded onto your phone. Success takes energy, planning and strategies for both the expected challenges in school as well as the unexpected. Now is the time to develop good habits to be successful in school and life. This website can help you with time-management, note-taking, test-taking, learning styles, and more!!


Academic Support Services

The Writing Center (CSS-133) provides one-on-one assistance with a degreed professional so that you can improve your skills in reading and writing. I strongly encourage you to utilize this resource. They have been extremely helpful to many of my students from the beginning of writing their paper, through the writing process, to proofreading and editing finished products.


The Tutoring Center (CSS-203) trains students who have been successful in various subjects to be your tutor, sitting down with you one-on-one to encourage and guide you in a specific course.


NetTutor: Online Tutoring Service

BC has partnered with NetTutor to provide online tutoring support to students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in the following subjects: EMLS, English and Writing, Humanities, and Mathematics. Tutoring for other subjects is available during scheduled times. All of the NetTutor tutors have a fouryear degree from an accredited university and a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in any subjects for which they will be providing tutoring. To get started, students should click on the NetTutor link on the left sidebar of their Canvas class.

For our class we will be using NetTutor to proofread your papers. This has significantly increased my students grades in the last few semesters that we have used this resource. You may also submit papers for other subjects you are taking this semester.


Public Safety

In case of emergency, or request for security escort to your vehicle, call 661-395-4554. To send a text message to campus security use 661-747-3808


A BETTER BC: https://www.bakersfieldcollege.edu/abetterbc


Tentative Course Schedule

Below is the tentative course schedule. I will open up every quiz in the course and all assignments after you have completed the syllabus quiz and as you finish the assignments. What this means is, once you finish Module 1, Module 2 will unlock. This way you can pace yourself. I will have deadlines when the quizzes will close and you will no longer be able to complete them. The same is true for the tests and the assignments. I recommend that you stay in sync with me and the lectures. However, you are welcome to work ahead as quickly as you want to move forward.









Week 1


Aug. 24th

Chpt 1 History, Theory, and Research Strategies

Complete syllabus quiz 8/26

Introduce yourself online- Canvas 8/26

Chapter 1 Assignment 8/29

Chapter 1 quiz- 8/29


Aug. 31


Chpt. 2 Genetic and Environmental Foundations


Chapter 2 Assignment 9/5

Chpt. 2 quiz- 9/5

Sept. 6


Last day to drop without receiving a W;

Last day to Add a Class

Sept. 7

No class meeting, but recorded message

3 Prenatal Dev., Birth, and the Newborn baby


Chapter 3 Assignment 9/12

Chpt. 3 quizzes- 9/12


Discussion 1 9/10 and 9/12


Sept. 14

Chpt. 4 Physical Dev. In Infancy and Toddlerhood



Chapter 4 Assignment 9/19

Chpt. 4 quiz – 9/19


Article 1 Summary due 9/19


Sept. 21

Chpt. 5 Cognitive Dev. In Infancy and Toddlerhood and

Chapter 5 Assignment 9/26

Chpt. 5 quiz –9/26


Discussion 2 9/24 and 9/26

Sept. 28

Chpt. 6 Emotional and Social Dev. In Infancy and Toddlerhood

Chapter 6 Assignment 10/3

Chpt. 6 Quiz- 10/3


Module 1-2 test Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6- 10/3

Oct. 5


Chpt. 7 Physical Dev. In Early Childhood


Chpt. 8 Emotional and Social Dev. In Early Childhood and



Chapter 7 Assignment 10/7

Chpt. 7 Quiz- 10/7


Chapter 8 Assignment 10/10

Chpt. 8 quiz- 10/10



Oct. 12

Chpt. 9 Physical Dev. In Middle Childhood


Chpt. 10 Emotional and Social Dev. In Middle Childhood


Chapter 9 Assignment 10/14

Chpt. 9 quiz- 10/14


Chapter 10 Assignment 10/17

Chpt. 10 quiz- /17


Discussion 3 10/15 and 10/17


Oct. 19

Chpt. 11 Physical Dev. In Adolescence



Chapter 11 Assignment 10/24

Chpt. 11 quiz- 10/24


Submit Article 2 summary 10/24



Oct. 26

Chpt. 12 Emotional and Social  Dev. In Adolescence



Chapter 12 Assignment 10/31

Chpt. 12 quiz- 10/31



Module 3-5 test Ch. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12-  closes 10/31


Oct. 30


Last day to withdrawal and receive a W


Nov. 2


Chpt. 13 Physical and Cognitive Dev. In Early Adulthood and



Chapter 13 Assignment 11/7

Chpt. 13 quiz 11/7


Discussion 4  11/5 and 11/7

Nov. 9

14 Emotional and Social Dev. In Early Adulthood


Chapter 14 Assignment 11/14

Chpt. 14 quiz 11/14



Nov. 16

Chpt. 15 Physical and Cognitive Dev. In Middle Adulthood


16 Emotional and Social Dev. In Middle Adulthood and



Chapter 15 Assignment 11/18

Chpt. 15 quiz- 11/18


Chapter 16 Assignment 11/21

Chpt. 16 quiz- 11/21


Submit paper to Net Tutor 11/21


Nov. 23


Chpt. 17 Physical and Cognitive Dev. In Late Adulthood and


Chapter 17 Assignment 11/28

Chpt. 17 quiz- 11/28




Paper due 11/28


Nov. 30

Chpt. 18 Emotional and Social Dev. In Late Adulthood


Chpt. 19 Death, Dying, and Bereavement


Chapter 18 Assignment 12/2

Chpt. 18 quiz- 12/2


Chapter 19 Assignment 12/4

Chpt. 19 quiz- 12/4


Discussion 5 12/2 and 12/4

Wed. Dec. 9th closes at 11:59 pm FINAL:  Module 6-8 - Exam Ch 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 , 18 & 19-


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