HLED B1 Principles of Health Education

Contact Info

Office: Gym B1; 395-4454

E-mail: sdameron@bakersfieldcollege.edu

Office Hours:8:30-11 T TH

Catalog Description for HLED B1

Health and Health-related services. Includes emotional health, nutrition, drugs, marriage and family, physical disease, exercise and environmentally related health concerns.

Course Objectives for HLED B1

Apply knowledge of basic nutrition principles to promote healthy lifestyle changes; identify personal risks for the most common causes of death and implement strategies to reduce these risks; understand physiological effects and health risks associated with drug and alcohol use, and internalize information in order to apply knowledge to personal behavioral choices; design personal wellness programs based on knowledge attained from course materials; identify emotional strengths and weaknesses; examine the individual’s impact on our environment; identify personal values regarding sexual behavior.

Course Procedures for HLED B1

All interaction will take place in the online format for the class. Make sure you complete all tasks listed in the weekly area shown for that week.  The bookstore sells clickers for the health class.  YOU DO NOT NEED A CLICKER.  That is for live classes only.

Evaluation for HLED B1

Assignments 120

Nutrition Project 25

Exams (2 x 50) 100

Quizzes 130

Discussion 225

Total 600

A= 540-600

B= 480-539

C= 420-479

D= 300-419

F= <300

General Instructions for HLED B1

· Make sure to post responses to the discussion questions each week. You will need to post your reply, and then respond to the posts of two other students to get full credit. Your answers should be thorough. “I agree” does not suffice. Submit at least these three posts to get full discussion credit for the week. Extra posts are great, but do not count for credit towards any other week of discussions.

· Tests and quizzes and assignments MAY NOT be made up. There will be two exams given during the semester. They are usually due by Sunday evening of each week, except finals week, ending on Thursday.

· All assignments will be turned in on the proper assignment page. You can either type in the box provided, or type it in Word and the paste it in. Whatever works for you. Do not open upload a file as I will not open them.

· The minimum word count for written assignments is 200 words. If no other amount is specified, then the 200 minimum shall apply.

· All communication will take place using the tools provided in the course. Please don’t send emails to my regular address, since it gets full very easily.

Discussion Boards:

Make sure to post proper responses in the discussion forum. Remember to keep responses respectful of differing views. We are certainly allowed to disagree on topics though. Answers should be thorough. Just saying “Yes” or “I agree” will not be considered responses in terms of receiving credit for participating in the discussion

Supportive Services

Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact

Supportive Services in FACE 16, 395-4334, as soon as

possible to better ensure such accommodations are

implemented in a timely manner.

Let's talk about plagiarism


Plagiarism is a serious problem, and will not be tolerated

in this class. Plagiarism is the representation of someone

else’s ideas as your own. When doing research, feel free

to consult all available sources. However, You MUST cite

any sources you mention. Try to avoid excessive quotations.

Failure to comply may result in receiving a failing grade.

Student Health and Safety Requirements

Due to the current unprecedented times, all students are required to follow safety guidelines and protocols to ensure all members of the community are safe. Please understand that the guidelines are for the safety of everyone in the class, thus disregard of the guidelines may cause for removal and referral to the Director Student Life for disciplinary actions. The following guidelines are required for all students to adhere when partaking in activities on the physical campus.

· Upon arrival to campus property, students must properly wear a cloth mask or face shield at all times, including in public spaces like parking lots and walkways, covering both your mouth and nose. Do not remove the mask until off-campus or in your car.

· Washing or sanitizing your hands properly and frequently is a must, including before and after class. Some classes may request washing/sanitizing every 15 minutes during class.

· Your body temperature will be taken at the beginning of each class. If you have a temperature of 100.4* or higher, you will be asked to go home. Notify your professor if you are unable to attend the class and ensure you get the materials missed from class.

· Maintain your social responsibility and practice reasonable distancing and behavior, including maintaining six-feet distance from each other while in class and not congregating in halls or common spaces.

· To ensure a clean and safe learning environment for you and the next class, you may be asked to help clean specialized equipment or workspaces within your classroom.

· Other guidelines or protocols set forth by the instructor of the course must be followed at all times.

Student Conduct Statement

Bakersfield College seeks an environment that promotes academic achievement and integrity, which is protective of free inquiry and serves the educational mission of the College. Similarly, the College seeks a community that is free from violence, threats, intimidation, and sexual misconduct; that is respectful of the rights, opportunities, and welfare of students, faculty, staff, and guests of the College, and that does not threaten the physical or mental health or safety of members of the College community.


Students are expected at all times to act in a manner consistent with the Student Code of Conduct, which is set forth by the KCCD Board Policy 4F7. The Student Code of Conduct remains in place for all students whether engaging in co-curricular activities or in a course that is offered in-person, online, or remotely. Students shall respect constituted authority, including conformance to federal and state laws, board policy, college protocols, and applicable provisions of civil law. All forms of misconduct may result in one or more of the following consequences: removal from class, referral to the Dean of Instruction, and/or disciplinary actions by the Director of Student Life. A student’s failure to act in a manner consistent with the Student Code of Conduct shall constitute good cause for discipline, including but not limited to the removal, suspension, or expulsion.

Textbook, Required materials

Your Health Today by Teague, 7th ed.

You will also want to download the Socrative for students app, it's free

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