Template Syllabus

Contact Information

Here is my contact information....

Learning Pact

  Test Title







Due Date

Learning Pact


My expectations of you

You will contact me with any questions.

You will attempt to follow the assignment due dates.

You will let me know ahead of time of any issues.


Your expectations of me

I will respond to email within 24 hours.

I will be available for questions.







testing columns

  Learning Pact


This is a learning pact.


My Pact with You


Your pact with me

  Test Title


This is the body text








Title Column 1


Title Column 2t (1/4)

Text Column 1                                                                                                                                                                                                 Text Column 2

What does this look like


Title column

Learning Pact


My Pact with You


Your Pact with Me

I will be available to respond to student questions. 


You will turn your work in on time.

  About the Instructor


Pamela Rivers has a Master's Degree in English.



  About the Instructor


All about Pam Rivers your instructor...


I love to write in my free time...



Assignments for this course will be listed here.












This is the assignment page. Assignments will be listed here.

Late Work Policy


Due dates are listed for each course activity. Please always try to make the due date deadline. If life happens and you need to miss the deadline, please contact me and I will work with you within a reasonable time frame.

Due Dates and Assignments

Assignments and Due Dates


Here are the Course Activities and due dates. Please note that you do not want to put due dates in one column and assignments in another. In a mobile device, columns will appear on top of each other.


August 21, 2021                                      Introductory Video

September 1, 2021                                 Reading Assignment One

September 12, 2021                               First Paper due



Column Text

Teaching Philosophy

Teaching Philosophy


Write about your philosophy of teaching here. Make it clear to your students that you value them and their learning.

Introductory Video

  Introductory Video


Post your introductory video. Make this a chance for your students to get to know you in a non-threatening way. Talk about your class, your expectations and anything else you want your students to know about you. Invite your students to share an introductory video with you.


About The Course

About the Course


In this section, include the pertinent details of the course.  


Course Catalog Description:


Student Learning Outcomes:






Objectives specific to your course.

About Your Instructor

 About Your Instructor


Write about yourself. Put your academic credentials but also make your syllabus warm by putting some details about you as a person: your pets, your interests, where you are from. Include an image. Not sure how? See the adding an image tutorial. Here's what an image looks like in your syllabus.

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