Music Laboratory - Spring 2021 - CRN 74995 & 33222

Contact Information

Name: Tim Heasley 

Office location: ConferZoom 

Office hours: By appointment 

You can reach me at 661-395-4083 or at  

I will respond to your questions and discussion board posts within 24 hrs. 

Course Information

Course description: A computer-based, positive attendance course featuring self-pacing programmed system instruction in one of two self-directed music technology areas:

  • Reading, transcribing, and performing rhythmic, harmonic, and melodic elements of music and/or
  • Generating, manipulating editing, and producing digital audio content by gaining experience with digital audio workstations (DAWs).

Offered on a Pass/No Pass basis.

Note: This course is an open entry/open exit course, which means students may enroll anytime during the semester up until the official drop date. Students must check in with the instructor during the first week of class or they may be dropped. The lab is located at the Performing Arts Center, Room 115, lab hours are Wednesday and Thursday from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. This lab may not be open as scheduled, or may meet via zoom during those times at the teacher’s discretion, due to CV19. Specific information on meeting times and dates will be communicated via students’ official BC email, directly from the instructor, prior to the start of class. Portions of the class marked TBA are representative of portions of the class that are to be completed in Canvas. For online student resources please visit "BC Renegade Online Student Resources website"

Student Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Execute Ear Training software for practice.

  2. Notate music with notation software.

  3. Develop coherent musical sequences.

  4. Record, mix, and produce audio recordings.

  5. Demonstrate competency with accessing the Internet and Mac OS.


The Music Lab is online 24/7 over the 16-week semester.  Students logging 102 minutes/week will successfully complete this course. 

  • Pass/No Pass (P/NP) 
  • Attendance 
    • > 27 hours (1620 minutes) = P 
    • < 27 hours (1620 minutes) = NP 

Please speak to instructor directly to find out current grade. Totals on Canvas are NOT always accurate. 

Attendance/Communication Policy

As per district policy, students will be dropped if they miss class in the first week. Just logging in does not count as attendance. Enrolled students must submit at least (3) hours of lab time in the first two (2) weeks. Please be aware that missing a total of two weeks of class throughout the semester without notifying me in writing (email)* may result in you being dropped from the course. Therefore, if you stop submitting assignments and do not log in for two weeks, I will count that as lack of attendance for two weeks.

See BC’s Attendance Policy here:


*Here is a template for email communication (with all of your professors). Sometimes your questions or concerns will be longer or shorter but either way this provides a guide to communication in the professional world. 

Dear [1] Professor [2] Last-Name [3], 

This is a line that recognizes our common humanity [4]. 

I’m in your Class Name, Section Number that meets on This Day [5]. This is the question I have or the help I need [6]. I’ve looked in the syllabus and at my notes from class and online and I asked someone else from the class [7], and I think This Is The Answer [8], but I’m still not sure. This is the action I would like you to take [9]. 

Signing off with a Thank You is always a good idea [10], 

Favorite Student 

Online Participation

Everyone has something to contribute to our class and there is always an opportunity to learn from one another. To do well in this class, you need to…

  • participate on a regular basis, on average 2 hours a week,
  • follow guidelines and advice for completing assignments, and
  • check your e-mail and Canvas regularly.

Sometimes problems arise that could affect your performance in this class. Please contact me promptly if…

  • you are confused about the requirements of an assignment,
  • you are not sure how to complete an assignment, or
  • you cannot complete an assignment on time because of an unexpected event or problem.

More than anyone else, I can help you succeed in this class. When problems arise, please let me know what’s going on. I am happy to help you!

Canvas/Internet Access

We will be using Canvas for the entirety of the course; therefore, students must have access to a computer or mobile device with reliable access to the Internet and the ability to record audio & video. Most smartphones or tablets should suffice. All work will need to be submitted on Canvas. It is also your responsibility to set your Canvas notifications in a way that alert you to important course information.

Technical Problems

While these do occur either at home or from a non-campus connection, they are usually not valid reasons for failing to fulfill the requirements for that day/week. Students  are responsible for allocating enough time to complete online assignments, and they should include the possibility of technical "glitches." Thus, students need to allow enough time to try again later or to travel to a campus computer lab or alternative location to complete the assignment and therefore avoid a missed deadline. Exceptions may be made by the professor in the event of widespread computer viruses or some other large-scale event affecting the Bakersfield College computer network, but exceptions will not be made for personal, routine computer problems. Do not wait until the last minute to submit assignments in order to mitigate these issues.

Academic Integrity & Plagiarism Policy

Discussing and sharing drafts of your work with your classmates is encouraged because it is important for your development as students. However, any work that you turn in must be your own. Ideas taken from another source must be cited. Knowingly or accidentally turning in another’s work as your own is considered plagiarism. Plagiarism and any other form of academic dishonesty may result in failure of the course. Please review the College’s policy on Academic Integrity here:

Student Health and Safety Safety/Requirements

Due to the current unprecedented times, all students are required to follow safety guidelines and protocols to ensure all members of the community are safe. Please understand that the guidelines are for the safety of everyone in the class, thus disregard of the guidelines may cause for removal and referral to the Director Student Life for disciplinary actions. The following guidelines are required for all students to adhere when partaking in activities on the physical campus.

  • Upon arrival to campus property, students must properly wear a cloth mask or face shield at all times, including in public spaces like parking lots and walkways, covering both your mouth and nose.  Do not remove the mask until off-campus or in your car.
  • Washing or sanitizing your hands properly and frequently is a must, including before and after class. Some classes may request washing/sanitizing every 15 minutes during class.
  • Your body temperature will be taken at the beginning of each class. If you have a temperature of 100.4* or higher, you will be asked to go home. Notify your professor if you are unable to attend the class and ensure you get the materials missed from class.
  • Maintain your social responsibility and practice reasonable distancing and behavior, including maintaining six-feet distance from each other while in class and not congregating in halls or common spaces.
  • To ensure a clean and safe learning environment for you and the next class, you may be asked to help clean specialized equipment or workspaces within your classroom.
  • Other guidelines or protocols set forth by the instructor of the course must be followed at all times.

Student Conduct Statement

Bakersfield College seeks an environment that promotes academic achievement and integrity, which is protective of free inquiry and serves the educational mission of the College. Similarly, the College seeks a community that is free from violence, threats, intimidation, and sexual misconduct; that is respectful of the rights, opportunities, and welfare of students, faculty, staff, and guests of the College, and that does not threaten the physical or mental health or safety of members of the College community.

Students are expected at all times to act in a manner consistent with the Student Code of Conduct, which is set forth by the KCCD Board Policy 4F7. The Student Code of Conduct remains in place for all students whether engaging in co-curricular activities or in a course that is offered in-person, online, or remotely. Students shall respect constituted authority, including conformance to federal and state laws, board policy, college protocols, and applicable provisions of civil law. All forms of misconduct may result in one or more of the following consequences: removal from class, referral to the Dean of Instruction, and/or disciplinary actions by the Director of Student Life. A student’s failure to act in a manner consistent with the Student Code of Conduct shall constitute good cause for discipline, including but not limited to the removal, suspension, or expulsion.

Students with Disabilities

Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSPS) has transitioned to an online environment; this means that their staff members are available to assist you virtually or by phone. DSPS is here to provide accommodations to students with diagnosed learning, mental, physical, and/or health related disabilities. Students with disabilities needing accommodations, including those who had an IEP or 504 Plan in high school, should make requests to the DSPS office via phone, email, or by visiting their Virtual Lobby. All requests for accommodations require appropriate advance notice to avoid a delay in services. After completing the intake process with DSPS, please provide your professors with a copy of your DSPS approved accommodation checklist so that you can work together to ensure your access and success at BC. 

DSPS methods of contact: 

Habits of Mind

How will you succeed at BC this semester? What determines success is not circumstance, but habit. Habits of Mind, It’s POSSIBLE at BC has many free tools intended to help you accomplish your goals in school. Only you can overcome the challenges you face this semester and in life.  Start out successfully with these steps: 

  • Visit the Habits of Mind website:
  • Download the app for Habits of Mind at Bakersfield College for power in your palm. 
  • Ask for help, do the work, and refuse to quit. 

Success takes energy, planning, and strategies for both the expected challenges in school as well as the unexpected twists life can take. Ask your professor for more information. Now is the time to develop new habits.  

BC Academic Support Services

If you would like extra help with this course, do not delay because BC has, not just one but, four ways that you can get the support you need to be successful in any class on campus: 

  • The Writing Center (CSS-133) provides one-on-one assistance with a degreed professional so that you can improve your skills in reading and writing in all classes for all purposes. 
  • The Math Hub (MS-113) offers drop-in, one-on-one tutoring with math consultants to help you crunch those numbers. 
  • The Tutoring Center (CSS-203) trains students who have been successful in various subjects to be your tutor, sitting down with you one-on-one to encourage and guide you in a specific course. 
  • SI (Supplemental Instruction) (CSS-193) represents small group learning in which you participate in weekly study groups for a certain course led by competent students (known as SI Leaders). 

Visit for more info! 

Everything you need to know as we build A Better BC!

As Measure J construction moves forward, please refer to the “A Better BC” website for updated construction dates, projects, maps, and other pertinent information. Please remember to be safe and alert! Any questions related to Measure J can be directed to Tamara Baker, Program Manager Community Relations, (661) 395-4910,

Student Agreement

Students who enroll in this class accept conditions of the class syllabus. Please consider dropping this course if the expectations of the course are not in keeping with your responsibility for them.

Syllabus Subject to Change

All material, assignments, and deadlines are subject to change, with prior notice. All changes will be clearly announced. However, it is your responsibility to review the syllabus regularly, check email for changes, or communicate with the instructor, as needed, to adjust if assignments or due dates change.

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