Single Page Syllabus

About Your Instructor

 About Your Instructor


Write about yourself. Put your academic credentials but also make your syllabus warm by putting some details about you as a person: your pets, your interests, where you are from. Include an image. Not sure how? See the adding an image tutorial. Here's what an image looks like in your syllabus.

Contact Information

I am available to talk or answer questions in the following ways:


Teaching Philosophy

Consider adding a teaching philosophy to let students understand how you teach and why you teach the way you teach. It humanizes you as a teacher and helps students to understand your expectations.

Here is an example philosophy borrowed from Fabiola Torres from Glendale Community College.

I believe our brain must perceive our improvement, our increased ability to do something better, before it begins to feel confident. My role is to help all my students improve their learning and increase their cognitive stamina. My online & face-to-face courses are designed to strengthen learning muscles so they can process content and produce data-driven conclusions. Through personal feedback, I reframe mistakes as a source of information about what needs adjusting in order to hit the target. I believe the educational system has conditioned students to be scared of mistakes because they think it says something about their intelligence. As a result, students may not push for the next level of mastery. Therefore my presence, feedback and communication has to focus on what strategies students can level up mastery.

-C/S (Con Safos)

About The Course

About the Course


In this section, include the pertinent details of the course.  


Course Catalog Description:


Student Learning Outcomes:






Objectives specific to your course.


Here are all of the assignments that are due in this class

#1  And this

#2 And that

#3 And this


Academic Integrity

Here you want to include the Academic Integrity Policies for your university, in a way that lets your students know that you aren't out to catch them cheating. Remember to make this warm language. Let students know where they can go to be sure they are citing correctly and not plagiarizing others. Remember, students want to do well- no one wants to fail because of plagiarizing another's work.

Introductory Video

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