Spanish B1 Syllabus




4 Credit Hours

 Spring 2021


Professor:  Sara Palasch    


Office:        220A LA Building (This Spring 2021 semester, due to COVID-19 I will not be in the office, everything is virtually via Zoom).

Office Hours: I understand these are difficult times for all of us, but I'm here to support you. You are welcome to come to my virtual office hours if you have any concern about the class. Virtual Office Hour Teleconferencing Zoom M-W 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM; T 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM or by appointment, if your schedule does not allow you to visit me at these times, please email me to schedule an appointment at a time convenient for you. 

Course Description and Course Objectives

SPAN B1 Course Description:

Introduction to Spanish language and culture by means of a program that involves video, audio and print media in an integrated method of planned immersion. General course objectives are for students to develop language skills that include reading, writing, listening comprehension and oral production.

Note: Not open to students who have taken the equivalent course, SPAN B1AB.

Course Prerequisites: NONE

Student Learning Outcomes: To determine whether the students have attained the general course objectives presented above, the instructor has created specific student learning outcomes. Each of the student learning outcomes will be associated with its appropriate module in the course. Students have the opportunity to fulfill the student learning objectives by completing the exercises for each module. Students will then demonstrate their level of knowledge of the learning objectives by taking the examination for the module. The content and form of the examinations are directly related to the exercises, so students must complete the exercises if they expect to do well on the examination.

Upon successful completion of SPAN B1, students will be able to:

  1. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to Students will demonstrate the ability to speak using mainly appropriate present tense regular and irregular verbs and some preterit tense verb forms as well as other grammatical forms such as the use of reflexive constructions, direct and indirect object pronouns, adjective, noun, and subject verb agreement. Students will learn to use vocabulary having to do with background information and talking about oneself and others.


  1. Upon completion the student will be able to: Students will demonstrate the ability to understand spoken Spanish mainly in the present tense and some past tense forms. They will exhibit the understanding of vocabulary covering classroom vocabulary, personal and family topics, expressing desires and preferences, describing daily routines, making comparisons, food and restaurant vocabulary.



  1. Upon completion the student will be able to: Students will demonstrate the ability to write accurately using the present tense and some past tense forms of the verbs. They will also exhibit control and agreement of such grammatical forms as articles, adjectives, pronouns, and subjects. Additionally, students will use a broad vocabulary having to do with background information talking about one self and others.


  1. Upon completion the student will be able to: Students will demonstrate the ability to understand written Spanish mainly in the present tense and some past tense forms. They will exhibit the understanding of vocabulary covering classroom vocabulary, personal and family topics, expressing desires and preferences, describing daily routines, making comparisons, food and restaurant vocabulary.



  1. Upon completion the student will be able to: Students will exhibit a broader understanding of Hispanic culture(s) through discussions and reading of history, literature, arts, and contributions of famous people from various parts of the Spanish speaking world.

DSPS (Disabled Student Programs & Services) ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT

“Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSPS) has transitioned to an online environment; this means that their staff members are available to assist you virtually or by phone. DSPS is here to provide accommodations to students with diagnosed learning, mental, physical, and/or health related disabilities. Students with disabilities needing accommodations, including those who had an IEP or 504 Plan in high school, should make requests to the DSPS office via phone, email, or by visiting their Virtual Lobby. All requests for accommodations require appropriate advance notice to avoid a delay in services. After completing the intake process with DSPS, please provide your professors with a copy of your DSPS approved accommodation checklist so that you can work together to ensure your access and success at BC.

DSPS methods of contact:

·         Phone: Main Campus: (661-395-4334) Delano: (661-720- 2000)

·         Email:

·         Virtual Lobby: “

In addition, if you have a disability that you feel may impact your performance in this class, PLEASE bring it to my attention. I am committed to your success and I want to help you.

Requirements of the course

To become an excellent speaker in Spanish, it is critical that you learn (i.e. memorize) the vocabulary & grammar, and read the material assigned.  You will be asked to use the grammar and vocabulary for all assignments.

Let's have a successful semester by following these important guidelines:

  • Work must be turned in on time. Unit tests cannot be made up (including the comprehensive final exam). Except in the case of a documented emergency, any exam missed will result in a zero. Proper documentation means that you have something written by someone in an official capacity on official stationery, and not a note from a relative, a roommate, a classmate, etc.
  • If you have a documented emergency, you should complete the missed exam no later than a week after the date of the test. Any exceptions to this policy will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
  • The material that the course covers every two weeks is indicated in the “Course Content” section of the course outline for each module. It is recommended that you download the course outline.
  • If you wish to drop the course, you are responsible for officially withdrawing from the course. Dropping a course is a student’s responsibility (see important dates). If you do not withdraw by the deadline, your grade will automatically result in an F.
  • I am here to answer any questions and help you with any academic problems. Please let me know if you would like to talk with me.
  • Safe Space and Netiquette: My online class and office are “Safe Spaces” for all individuals, regardless of culture, ethnicity, race, age, physical ability, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation. Please respect others to help promote a learning environment for all students. Students are expected to follow the rules of netiquette by avoiding profanity, sarcasm, and ridicule. 


The final grade will be determined according to the following distribution and scale:


Prerequisites assignments

Total Class Grade Weighing


Prerequisites assignments

Percentage of Grade



Discussion Board Participation


Online Homework from Portales


Listening and Comprehension






Unit Tests



Oral Presentation Final Exam


Comprehensive Final






Final Average


90 - 100


80 - 89


70 - 79


60 – 69


0 - 59


Course Policy

NETIQUETTE GUIDE FOR ONLINE COURSES: It is important to recognize that the online classroom is, in fact, a classroom, and certain behaviors are expected when you communicate with both your peers and your instructors. These guidelines for online behavior and interaction are known as netiquette.

General Guidelines:

  • Treat instructors with respect, even in email and any other online communication.
  • Always use your professor’s proper title, e.g., “Professor Palasch.” Do not refer to her by first name.
  • Use clear and concise language.
  • Remember to use academic English and Spanish and avoid slang terms such as “wassup?” and texting abbreviations such as “u” instead of “you.”
  • Avoid using the caps lock feature AS IT CAN BE INTERPRETED AS YELLING.
  • Limit and possibly avoid the use of emoticons like :) or emojis.
  • Be cautious when using humor or sarcasm as tone is sometimes lost in an email or discussion post and your message might be taken seriously or cause offense.
  • Be careful with personal information (regarding both yourself and others).
  • Do not send confidential information via email.
  • Always when you email the professor in the reference box please include the subject and CRN course number of your Spanish class.

Discussion Board Netiquette and Guidelines:

When posting on the Discussion Board in your online class, you should:

  • Make posts that are on topic and within the scope of the course material.
  • Take your posts seriously and review and edit your posts before sending.
  • Be as brief as possible, while still making a thorough comment.
  • Always give proper credit when referencing or quoting another source.
  • Be sure to read all messages in a thread before replying.
  • Do not repeat someone else’s post without adding something of your own to it.
  • Avoid short, generic replies such as, “I agree.” You should include why you agree or add to the previous point
  • Always be respectful of others’ opinions, even when they differ from your own.
  • When you disagree with someone, you should express your differing opinion in a respectful, non-critical way.
  • Do not make personal or insulting remarks.

Be open minded.

Students' Responsibility

Students’ Responsibilities

  • Keep an open mind and stay positive all semester by believing in yourself.
  • Participate in class activities and discussions.
  • Finish all the homework before due dates.
  • Turn in your assignments on time.
  • Do all online activities (CANVAS, & Portales Online homework) on your own.
  • Take all the quizzes and exams on the specified date and time on the syllabus.

Stay informed: read Announcements regularly. I will send frequent announcements to the class (updates, changes, friendly reminders) to help you succeed! I highly recommend that you set your canvas notifications up (How to set Notifications in canvas so you will receiv announcements


If you need extra help, please make an appointment with me, come to my virtual office hours. Your success is based on your effort and motivation and it is my responsability to make great your learning experience. Remember, I am here to help you!


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